יום ראשון, 13 במאי 2012

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

*Book Description

by J.k Rowling

price: 19.24 $  

first published in 21 july, 2007

number of pages: 759 pages 

publisher: scholastic

plot summary:
after Dumbledore's death, voldemort gains more power. and takes over the wizarding world. he takes over the ministry of magic and scares off the people who are against him. 
he also seeks for the deathly hallows: three powerful magical objects that could make any wizard/witch the master of death. first is the resurrection stone, second is the cloak of invisibility and last the elder wand. voldemort steals the elder wand from Dumbledore's grave but cannot seem to find the cloak of invisibility or the resurrection stone. 
meanwhile harry is mourning over Dumbledore's death , but finally decides to avenge his death by killing voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard. before Dumbledore's death , he teaches harry about the Horcruxes -the objects witch contain the seven souls of the one who-must-not-be-named- harry begins in search of the objects with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione. 
harry finds most of the Horcruxes and destroys them, but there is only one left, nagini- voldemort's  snake- harry returns to Hogwarts and voldemort follows him , and a war is to begin. 
the bad and- good side start to fight while Ron and Hermione fight the deadly snake. voldemort asks for harry to meet him at the forbidden forest and he will spare his friends. harry accept it so his friends could live. voldemort kills harry , then harry becomes in a state between life and death. Dumbledore appears at platform 9 and 3/4, king cross station. and explains that voldemort used his blood to regain his power , and so harry is a Horcrux  . harry returns to the living and fights the dark lord. Neville long bottom kills nagini and voldemort is over. harry cast a spell on voldemort and he is now one of the dead. 

I have read all of the Harry Potter books twice and this one is by far my favourite! It is filled with suspense, action, and of course magic! The last 2 chapters had my heart beating and the 3rd last chapter had me tearing up. I couldn't put this book down. I recommend this series to ANYONE, even if you don't like Fantasy. BEST SERIES OF ALL TIME!!

the movie trailer (harry potter and the deathly hallows part two)^^

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